Start Trading

We explain how to trade cryptocurrency for beginners. To start trading cryptocurrency you need to choose a cryptocurrency wallet and an exchange to trade on.
From there it is as simple as filling out a form and waiting for the transaction to process (once your information is verified with the exchange you pick).In other words, if you want to trade cryptocurrency you need:
  1. A cryptocurrency wallet (or two).
  1. A cryptocurrency exchange (or two) to trade on.Simple as that. The rest of the page will explain the details and other important things to know.
  • The GBTC trust as sold on the stock market.
  • A cryptocurrency IRA (we don’t want to recommend one until we have reviewed them).
  • An exchange to buy coins on and a wallet to store the coins in.
  • An exchange-broker-wallet hybrid like Coinbase/GDAX (which allows customers to buy/sell/store cryptocurrency).
TIP: A cryptocurrency wallet is a place where you store encrypted passwords that represent coins (the equivalent to storing money in a bank account). A cryptocurrency exchange is like a stock exchange or like a currency exchange in a foreign airport (a place people can trade cryptocurrency for other cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies like the US dollar). Just like if you want to trade stocks you need a bank account and access to the stock exchange, it is the same deal with cryptocurrency.

How to invest in cryptocurrency: If you want to invest in cryptocurrency, and not just buy/sell/trade, then you have a few options. New investors can choose between
Each option has its pros and cons, but notably, only an exchange-broker-wallet hybrid like Coinbase/GDAX allows one to trade and invest directly using a single platform. This page will focus on that option due to its ease of use for beginners.