- A beginner should start by choosing a company with a good reputation that offers an exchange and wallet (to help keep the process simple).
- A beginner should also start by trading prominent coins. Currently, in 2018, we are referring to coins like Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH). In the future, this could change.
Since the above is the case, a good start for any American wishing to trade cryptocurrency is starting with Coinbase.com (the most popular cryptocurrency website in America, and a service that offers a single platform for a Bitcoin wallet, Ethereum wallet, Litecoin wallet, Bitcoin Cash wallet, and a currency exchange).After you master Coinbase, then you are ready for say GDAX and other exchanges like Bittrex, Binance, or Kraken.TIP: A good first foray into cryptocurrency investing is the obvious, buying a major cryptocurrency like Bitcoin. After that, you’ll probably want to trade USD for crypto on an exchange like GDAX. Once you have done that, you could try trading BTC and ETH for other cryptocurrencies. Trading “crypto pairs” can be rewarding, but it is more complex and often more risky than just buying a single cryptocurrency as an investment.TIP: Do not do “margin trading” unless you know exactly what that is and are an expert. Cryptocurrency is volatile; you can end up losing all your money in an instant if you aren’t careful.TIP: If you don’t understand the tax implications of trading cryptocurrency tread very carefully. There are some nasty traps you could fall into when trading coins. For one, they are not necessarily considered “like-kind assets.” If that is confusing, then consider sticking with trading USD for coins in Coinbase until you grasp the concept. Learn about cryptocurrency and taxes.